National Poetry Day Celebration 2024!
Thu - 19 Sep 2024 3:55 pm     Article Hits:1     A+ | a-

Event Date: Wed - 2 Oct 2024

Event Time: 7:00 pm

Location: Grove Theatre, Eastbourne google maps marker


Price: Free Entry

The Poetry Café Eastbourne is celebrating the 30th Anniversary of National Poetry Day with a show case event at the Grove Theatre. We cordially invite you to join us for an evening of outstanding spoken word poetry.

Doors open at 6:30 for a 7pm start

We will feature the winners of our NPD poetry competition on the theme of “COUNTING”

We are delighted and very proud to have as our special guest poets: Phil Vernon and Jessica Mookherjee established poets whose work is as moving as it is inspiring.

In addition, we have a scintillating line up of our own talented poets from the Poetry Café community who will be sharing their imaginative takes on the theme of “counting”.

The evening is a free event, there are no entrance or ticket fees, but we are always very appreciative of donations.

Prepare to be moved, amused, intrigued, and inspired – please do join us.