Blazing Saddles Show
Wed - 31 Jul 2024 8:09 pm     Article Hits:306     A+ | a-

Event Date: Sun - 8 Sep 2024

Event Time: 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Location: Newhaven Skatepark and Pumptrack, Newhaven, BN9 9DL google maps marker


Blazing Saddles is a unique, free outdoor performance telling the little known story of the moment bicycles first became widely available & women transformed their clothing to be able to ride.

Evolving from a contemporary choreography, the show is a visual narrative, using movement, character & humour, clowning, costume & cake to to tell the story of a group of women caught up in the excitement & possibility of travel, freedom & independence.

The show is performed in a variety of sequences along a short, slow ride or walk in locations between Newhaven Skatepark & Pumptrack, & The Sidings, including a 30 min picnic break on the Riverside.

Follow along the route or drop in at different locations! For more information, visit: