Pete Shepheard & Arthur Watson Ballad Forum
Sat - 3 Aug 2024 12:14 pm     Article Hits:185     A+ | a-

Event Date: Sun - 8 Sep 2024

Event Time: 10:45 am - 4:45 pm

Location: Elephant and Castle, White Hill, Lewes BN7 2DJ google maps marker


Price: £45 cash

Email to reserve places, bring cash on the day.

Pete & Arthur will each sing some ballads & facilitate a discussion drawn from aspects of ballad singing that interest the group (history, performance, varying versions, magic, folklore & so on).

You are invited to bring along at least one traditional ballad of your choice to sing & talk about. To avoid clashes with other contributors. please state your preferred ballad in advance. If your choice has already been taken, we will let you know so that you can choose another. If you're not sure what counts as a ballad, email or ring 01273 476757 for a friendly chat about it.