Author Event: Clive Aslet discussing 'Sir Edwin Lutyens: Britain's Greatest Architect?'
Mon - 5 Aug 2024 2:48 pm     Article Hits:141     A+ | a-

Event Date: Sun - 8 Sep 2024

Event Time: 3:00 pm

Location: Organised by Much Ado Books; event will be in the first-floor events room at The Star Inn, Alfriston google maps marker


Price: £10

Join author Clive Aslet on 8 September for an examination of the charismatic architect Sir Edwin Lutyens, to learn about the figure whose towering achievements helped shape the course of architectural history.

Clive’s biography, 'Sir Edwin Lutyens: Britain’s Greatest Architect?', is filled with entertaining anecdotes as well as revealing stories that help put Lutyen’s life in perspective.

The architectural afternoon will start at 3pm, in the first-floor event room of The Star Inn, Alfriston. Tickets cost £10, including a glass of wine. Ticket holders can also enjoy a 10% discount on the £20 price of the book, either in advance or at the event.

Stop in at Much Ado Books, Alfriston for your tickets, phone 01323 871222 or visit our website: